Thursday, June 21, 2012

What to do in the summer with your family

75 Things to do with your children

1: Glow sticks in the bathtub.
2: Writing your ABC's with licorice strings.3: Photo shoot. Any mom can have a photo shoot with their children.4: Cloud watching. And it teaches your kids the correct name of the cloud.5: Fossil Digger. They have dino bones at the Dollar Tree. Burry them, and get your paint brushes ready to dust away dirt.6: Sponge Finger painting. Cut and soak up ANY sponge.7: Mini rainbow volcanoes.8: Make a book + illustrations. I folded it and got it ready. They started writing/drawing.
9:Balloon tennis. We got free paint stick stirrers at Walmart and used our 'personality balloons' found below.

10: Ding Dong Ditch w/a gift. Anyone neighbor you choose.
11: Teach diversity with eggs. We're all the same on the inside remember?
12: Teach about the moon phases with Oreos. Then get you each a mug-a-milk ;)
13: Hand shadows and other objects. 14: Plastic sheet cover your homework sheets=dry erase. I have purchased quite a few preschool/kindergarten activity books and I've been scanning the pages so I can print them off anytime I want. This is CHEAPER and more effective. I LOVE it. (quite church, and car drives are easier).15: Puppet show.16: Shave with daddy. With popsicle sticks of course.

17: Play angry birds on the nook.18: Pick any animal day. Pick ANY animal and teach them everything you can find about it. 19: Play hotel. You can play ANY 'pretend' game.
20:  Make Japanese chain cut outs. The kids will be amazed that they're all connected. 21: Create a silly holiday. We made August 20th our annual donut day.
22: Floating raisins.
23: Blow up a balloon with vinegar.
24: Grab your nets and go Creature Catching!
25: Helping cook. Doing grown up things is funner than kid things right? Of course be cautious in age and working around hot stoves and knives.
26: Make pony bead necklaces! And twice we've made fruit loop necklaces to bring and eat during church.27: Water paints are cheap and fun (for adults too).28: Lava floor. Dont touch the floor to survive.
29: Harry marker mirror faces.30: Melted crayon hot rocks.
31: Teach and learn smallest to biggest. Have them organize objects like toys, blocks and talk about sizes. Most kids don't even learn this before school.32: Go camping :)33: Messless Makeup. I took empty makeup containers and pored in fingernail polish. My daughter still thinks it's real, and I dont have to clean up any messes.34: Balloon Characters. Draw a face and then name them. (WARNING: your kids will be crushed if these ones pop, tears MAY BE SHED).35: INDOOR Picnic. Make sure to use a NON favorite blanket ;)36: Play School. Learn while playing? okay.37: Make a band. 38: Write and make letters to family members. use LOTS of stickers.39: Teach you kids about the world.40: Teach your kids about outer space.
41: Exercise.
42: Make an obstacle coarse with crape paper streamers. 43: Act out a story. You dont need great costumes for this. Our bedtime stories come to life with T-shirts and sweaters. (wolf and lil Red below).
44: Make Dino fossils out of play dough and toy dinosaurs. Imprint and then let it dry.
45: Go to a fish hatchery and feed the fish bread :)46: Fly a kite.
47: Make a Japanese Hanging Fish :) A big catch.48: Have a Tea Party. Mini foods and mini cups are a hit with BOYS AND GIRLS.49: Play dress up. See what your kids come up with.
50: Go geocaching.
51: Blow Wish Flowers. (AKA: dead dandelions). Or go Dandelion picking with baskets.52: Make popsicle stick puzzles. Storing a puzzle in a rubber band is brilliant enough I think. (using a photo is fun too)53: Make GIANT bubbles. Poke a hole in the bottom of a paper cup, or cut off the bottom of a water bottle. Dip. Blow. 54: Go swimming. 55: Color-Trace Leaves.
56: Hand Print Art. Elephants, flowers, lions, reindeer, turkeys etc... it's endless.
57: Ice cube paint. Freeze water and food color in ice trays. Freeze with a toothpick or popsicle stick. Go outside if it's warm and enjoy some cold painting.
58: Play Mail Man. (with the mail you wrote and decorated earlier)
59: Go on a hike. Or run on a hike...
60: Make homemade lava lamps. 61: Mini Marshmallow construction. Give them toothpicks and you've got a good hour of down time.62: Make mini bun pizzas. This way your kids can decorate their own.63: Paint and Roll Marbles. 64: Make cookies. Let them do everything but work with the oven. Make matching aprons if your ambitious! 65: Potato stamps.
66: Make a pinecone bird feeder. You'll enjoy the fruits of your labor all summer while bird watching.
67: Make and Play Play Dough.

68: Go through a car wash.
69: Have a water sprayer fight! recommended outdoors70: Scavenger Hunt. 71: A picnic. A regular one. Nothing's better than a spot of shaded grass on a hot day.
72: Build a fort! I wanted to post this one for inspiration because my blanket forts weren't picture worthy. My kids LOVE watching movies in a fort tho.
73: Write and send snail mail to loved ones.74: Tear drop volcanoes. Put baking soda on a tray. Fill paper cups with vinegar and food color. Use a dropper to create fizzy foam!75:  Go Dollar Store shopping. Give them each 5 bucks and they're in heaven.

All of these ideas and pictures came from this BLOG there are not my ideas and I do not take credit for them.